E-bike Tuneups
Electric Bikes, like cars and regular bicycles, need to be tuned up after certain periods of use in order to maintain the integrity of the vehicle and to ensure your bike runs well for as long as possible. In this post, I will be discussing the three main times a tune up may be necessary.
[ Mail Order Bike Initial Tuneup ]
As many of us have come to know in the age of Amazon with the expectations of quick shipments that arrive directly to your door, shippers are often careless with the packages we are receiving. While we at Pedal Electric do our best to get you your orders as quickly and safely as possible, some shipments are mishandled and work may have to be done to fix those issues.
In order to assist with this we have partnered with beeline connect which allows you to ship your bike to a Pedal Electric registered service center to have your bike assembled and tuned-up for your maiden voyage! We highly recommend this added service if electric bike maintenance is something you do not have knowledge of.
In this initial tune-up the e-bike professional or you will often have to;
° Assemble the bike properly and carefully.
° Adjust the derailleur for easy gear shifting.
° Adjust the hydraulic brakes for safe and efficient braking.
° Tighten any parts that may have been loosened from transit.
° Do a full safety check.
[ First 100 Miles Tuneup ]
After your first 100 miles you will have a much better understanding of the functionality and feel of your e-bike! In order to maintain this smooth and reliable feel you will want to start doing regular maintenance to ensure you keep this quality and feel. This maintenance not only keeps your e-bike in good condition but allows you to start building knowledge on how your bike works and how to fix minor issues. Most things included here can be done with little knowledge and with maintenance gear that can be found on our site or amazon!
In this first 100 miles you should;
° Clean your bike with a microfiber cloth and e-bike cleaning fluid.
° Grease your chain to help with easy shifting and to prevent rust. Make sure to use enough (but not too much) and to pedal and shift gears to evenly distribute. (We recommend “Tri-Flow Superior Lubricant”)
° Clean brake pads/rotors with rotor, pad cleaner. (We recommend “Squeal Out”)
° Check tire pressure and if needed, fill to correct PSI listed in your Pedal Electric bike’s build manual.
° Feel for tension of hydraulic brake handles. If it feels loose and is needed, top off with mineral oil. (We recommend “Finish line High Performance Mineral Oil Brake Fluid”)
[ Standard 500 Mile Tune-up ]
So you’ve hit 500 miles and your e-bike has been put to good use! Now I know it may be hard to give up for a few days, but for your safety and the integrity of your bike it's time to do some proper maintenance. The 500 mile tune-up is integral to keep your e-bike running for as long and as well as possible. A standard 500 mile tune-up can range in cost from anywhere between $100-$300 depending on parts needed and the shop's discretion/time. How often, and where your e-bike is being used can affect this as well.
In a standard 500 mile tune-up a professional will often;
1. Battery Maintenance:
Charging: Ensure you charge your battery using the manufacturer's recommended charger. Overcharging can reduce battery life, so unplug once it's fully charged. It's best to charge the battery when it's cool, not immediately after a ride.
Storage: If you're not using your e-bike for an extended period, store the battery in a cool, dry place. If possible, charge it to about 50-60% before storing and check it every few months to maintain this charge level.
2. Cleaning:
Exterior: Use a damp cloth or sponge with mild soap to clean the frame, handlebars, and other parts. Avoid high-pressure washers which could force water into electrical components.
Drivetrain: Clean the chain, cassette, and chainrings with a degreaser. Use a brush to scrub off grime, then wipe clean and lubricate.
3. Lubrication:
Chain: Apply bike-specific chain lube. Wipe off any excess lube after application to prevent dirt buildup.
Other Moving Parts: Lubricate pivot points like suspension forks or seat posts if applicable, but do this sparingly to avoid attracting dirt.
4. Tire Inspection and Maintenance:
Tire Pressure: Check tire pressure regularly using a gauge. Keep it at the manufacturer’s recommended PSI for optimal performance and to prevent flats. Generally 25-30 psi is the ideal tire pressure.
Tread and Wear: Inspect tires for wear or damage. Replace if you see bald spots, cracks, or bulges.
5. Brakes:
Disc Brakes: Check for pad wear and replace them if they're thin. Also, clean rotors with a bit of alcohol to remove any residue, avoid touching directly with your hands and keep any oily substances away from the brake rotors. Ensure brakes are aligned correctly.
6. Electrical and Motor:
Connections: Check all electrical connections for signs of corrosion or looseness. If you find any issues, consult your manual or a professional.
Motor: Listen for unusual noises or feel for vibrations which might indicate a problem. Keep the motor clean from dirt and debris. It is common to grease the motor hub every 1000 miles, only grease the gears.
7. Gear System:
Derailleur Adjustment: Ensure gears shift smoothly. Adjust the derailleur if shifts are not crisp or if there's chain rub.
Cable Tension: Check and adjust cable tension for both gears and brakes if they feel loose or if performance is off.
8. Suspension
Check mounting bolt tightness: Ensure your suspension has the correct amount of sag for your weight.
Cleaning: Keep suspension components clean, especially the seals, to prevent dirt from damaging the internals.
9. General Tips:
Regular Check-ups: Even if you maintain your bike, have it professionally checked annually or after significant use.
Bolt Tightness: Regularly check that all bolts (handlebars, seat, pedals, etc.) are tight.
10. Tools and Parts:
Keep basic tools like hex keys, screwdrivers, a chain breaker, and tire levers handy. Stock up on spare parts like inner tubes, brake pads, and chain links.
[ Scenarios that may Necessitate a Tune-up ]
There are times where you may not have hit a certain mile marker, but due to use, misuse or lack of use a tune up may be necessary.
If your e-bike has been sitting unused for a long period of time your e-bike will likely need a tune-up by you or a professional. E-bikes for much of the world can be very seasonal, if your bike has been sitting for months on end in your cold garage for the winter months it is a smart move to have it inspected and tuned-up. Like a car, an e-bike that does not run often will start to lose integrity and should be worked on before being circulated back into heavy use.
If you take your bike to outdoor locations that will take a toll and affect your e-bike, when you return it is wise to have an e-bike technician do a safety check and full tuneup. Places like the American southwest with very fine dust particles or regions with heavy rainfall and wetness that may permeate to the interior of the bike. All Pedal Electric bikes are IP67 rated for dust and water, but maintenance after these scenarios will be worthwhile to keep your bike in mint condition for as long as possible.
If you are on the Pedal Electric team we always recommend you to come to one of our locations for the best possible service!