E-bike Tuneups
Electric Bikes, like Cars and regular bicycles, need to be tuned up after certain periods of use in order to maintain the integrity of the vehicle and to ensure your bike runs well for as long as possible. In this post, I will be discussing the three main times a tune up may be necessary.
[ Mail Order Bike Initial Tuneup ]
As many of us have come to know in the age of Amazon with the expectations of quick shipments that arrive directly to your door, shippers are often careless with the packages we are receiving. While we at Pedal Electric do our best to get you your orders as quickly and safely as possible, some shipments are mishandled and work may have to be done to fix those issues.
In order to assist with this we have partnered with beeline connect which allows you to ship your bike to a Pedal Electric registered service center to have your bike assembled and tuned-up for your maiden voyage! We highly recommend this added service if electric bike maintenance is something you do not have knowledge of.
In this initial tune-up the e-bike professional or you will often have to;
° Assemble the bike properly and carefully.