Where we’re going and how we got here has as much to do with the people in our community as it does with our ever growing vision. To us, our bikes aren’t just a technical product, they’re a conduit for change and connecting with the world. They take us where we want to go with the people we want to be with, to go and do what we love. And simply put, that’s the bottom line: do what you love. So much can get lost in living and moving that we forget to live and connect with what we are doing, to take it easy, to find moments of freedom and to just be. What do we love? That these bikes are for everyone, anywhere at any time for every lifestyle. The joy of riding isn’t closed off to one community, we’re passionate about the infinite ways to live with our bike. It’s adaptable for the life you live, we’re just along for your ride.
To showcase the stories that inspire us and keep us going, we’re offering our Joyride series to give a window into the lifestyles of some of the people in our lane that continue to advocate, support and drive us faster and farther.
We’re serious about sustainability…but when it comes to riding, we like to take it easy, ride with the wind and chase our free. Up first? None other than our friend Alex Smith: better known as pro surfer, entrepreneur and explorer.
How do you feel when you’re riding the e-bike?
Free, silent, and energy efficient.
What’s a guiding mantra/belief you hold?
Positivity is the key.
One word to describe your connection to earth/nature.

Born and raised in Hawaii, he emulates the flow of the ocean in everything he does in and out of the water by honoring nature, adventure, living and being. We got him set up with one of our bikes and spent the day riding around the Northshore with him. It’s moments like this that we keep coming back to, the simplicity of good people, adventure, chasing what you love and getting there at your pace.
“The e-bike is the ultimate little vehicle on the north shore, skip the traffic and get there in 5 minutes”
Riding, like anything else, is all about your approach, your mindset. We’re here witnessing all the ways our community uses our bikes. It keeps us building, it keeps us thinking and it keeps us dreaming. What one person will use to commute to work, another (aka Alex) will use to catch the next fresh set…another day at the office so to speak. And that’s perhaps the most refreshing part of building this community and this vision, there is no shortage of inspiration; this bike is everyone and every story, every life and every place.
As someone who was raised in the magic of nature, Alex has a true appreciation for not only being out in the elements, but also protecting it in order to ensure it’s able to be experienced for generations to come. So it’s no question he values electric to power his adventure and get him out into nature in a sustainable way.
“I think electric is the way to go. If I can use an electric bike instead of my vehicle that’s burning fossil fuels, I’ll do that anyday.”
The earth is our spinning home filled with terrains to experience adventure in. We make it a pillar of how we move and evolve to put forth the same energy and intention into the planet as we do into our bikes. For Earth Month we’re highlighting the reverence of nature with our community features, to hopefully reconnect us back to the source of what binds us together on this planet. So however you connect with nature, go out and do it and pick up some trash, plant some trees & definitely go electric.